Sunday, March 25, 2012

salt n pepper shakers

ideation sketches

final models cut from high density foam

after the models are made, molds are made of them

Here's what ya need for a little slip casting

from top to bottom:
random wooden thing I use to scrape slip off my beautiful mold
tool used to form holes that salt n pepper will eventually come out of
exacto knife to clean up the seams that occur in slip casting process

pouring slip (liquid clay)

beautiful salt n pepper babies freshly poured

out of the mold and ready for finishing touches

there's still much glazing to be done, I'll keep you guys up to date
can you guess which one is for salt and which one is for pepper?

1 comment:

  1. thanks for sharing,what classes would you recomend for me to take to make some practical things like this ? pepper is one with grooves, because you have to shake the pepper harder.
